Dear Maintainer/Uploaders of festival and Users of festival-docs,

To clarify the situation. festival-doc currently contains a html and ps
(Postscript) version of
the "Festival Manual". The version number is 1.4.2 and dates from 25th July

CMU (the current employer of Prof. Alan Black - one of the original authors
of festival)
has an online version of the manual version number 1.4.3 and dated 27th
December 2002.

CSTR at University of Edinburgh - (the University where festival was
originally written) has an
online version of the manual version number 1.4.0 and dated 17th July 1999.

No later copies of the main content of "Festival Manual" appear to have
been published.

The current Debian festival (not festival-docs) package ships a copy of
"Festival Manual"
as part of the festival deb file. It is labelled 1.4.3. It like all the
others is old.
It is superior to the CMU online version in one respect the festival Scheme
function list  at the end of this manual is dynamically regenerated from
the source
code each time we build the festival package. Thus is reflects the
"function comment lines"
of the current Debian version of festival.

Please note the copy of "Festival manual" we ship with the festival deb is
in "info" format
and may be accessed using "info festival" command.

I didn't really care which format I use hence my suggestion that we drop
festival-doc. BUT...

The format may be important from an a11y perspective for our users !

Based your combined knowledge a11y issues could everyone give an opinion on
vs "html" vs "ps". Please everyone give your opinion on this.

Should we just choose one of those formats not necessarily the current
"info" format
for bundling with festival deb and drop festival-doc or are the additional
formats important?

I strongly suggest from now on we build whatever manuals regenerated from
the actual
festival source code in our current deb. This suggests festival-doc even if
it is decided
to continue to exist should be a binary package built from the common
festival source package,
i.e. from the debian/control and debian/rules files of the festival source

Based on this I think it would be appropriate for JP as maintainer of
festival to issue a
Debian ITA over the orphaned packages while we decide the formats and then
whether we ship a binary festival-doc package built from festival source
package or only ship the one format
(as best serves the need of a11y users) inside the festival binary package.

I look forward to hearing your experiences on formats from a a11y
perspective. Comments?

I hope you agree that we should regenerate any shipped version of "Festival
manual" (even
though the bulk text is old) from our source code as we do for the current
"info" format (which
may change based on your input). Comments?

I have not pursued the speech-tools angle yet, but as a precaution I think
JP should Debian ITA in
his capacity as maintainer of speech-tools while we figure out how to
integrate its building out
of the common source or drop etc...

with very best regards,

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