> I tryed to package it now. The pre-compiled works fine and it is a nice
> program. However, when compiling the code in Debian Sid we have several
> errors and warnings (see below).

It uses FFmpeg API, an old version of it,
(and it compiled OK a few years ago),
but now we have a new version of Libav here in Debian,
so a lot of things this program used are deprecated now.

Perhaps it can be fixed,
but it needs some time & inspiration
to read all those FFmpeg & Libav documentation :)

> I need author code (upstream) fix the issues to I can put it in Debian.
> Please,reply if you have interest.

> Opppsss! Upstream lost...
> Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

The latest version dates back to 2008,
so the project seems to be orphaned upstream...

Best wishes, Bob

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