El dom, 30-06-2002 a las 20:41, Bas Zoetekouw escribió:

> You wrote:
> > > > Rhythmbox is a multimedia jukebox that can play, rip and burn audio
> > >                                                    ^^^
> > > This probably means it cannot go into the archive. 
> > 
> > ¿Where is the problem here? cdda2wav and cdparanoia can extract audio
> > tracks from audio cd's and they are into debian archive.
> As I understood it from the RFP, it also _encodes_ to mp3.

Ups, now I understand it. 

I'm sorry for this little but big problem to get it into the Debian

    Ramón Rey Vicente   ::      rrey at augcyl.org           
                        ::      ramon.rey at hispalinux.es      
                        ::      rrey at usuarios.retecal.es   
    GPG Public Key      ::      http://www.escomposlinux.org/pgp 

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