On Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 04:15:55PM -0400, David Prévot wrote:
> > i have used the existing naming scheme for this Debian package
> > (php-symfony2-<component), however this will clash with substvars
> > generated
> Why bother with the spurious “2”, isn’t it installed into
> /usr/share/php/Symfony/$Component/ anyway?

that would actually make things easier. seeing that work on symfony2
components has just started, this could be a good time for DDs in this
group to think about this, i guess.

if i'm not wrong, the bits of legacy Symfony (v1.x) currently in
Debian are:
* pear-symfony-project-channel (rdepends: php-symfony-yaml)
* php-symfony-yaml (rdepends: phpunit, php-aws-sdk)

so these bits are actually in active use (though the latest phpunit on
git.debian.org depends on the new php-symfony2-yaml package)

for everything else, and seeing that Symfony 1 is past EOL upstream,
dropping the '2' should work.

my 0.5 cents would go in favour of using php-symfony-<component> for any
upcoming packaging of Symfony2 components.


andrea rota

Xelera - IT infrastructures

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