On Wed, Sep 04, 2013 at 02:32:51AM +0100, Olly Betts wrote:
> > ABI bumps in libwxWidgets would mainly be a problem for reverse
> > dependencies. From my perspective (maintainer of a reverse
> > depdendency) multiple ABI bumps in wxWidgets are the lesser evil
> > compared to being totally unsupported by upstream developers.
> wx 2.8 isn't totally unsupported upstream.  It's true that there haven't
> been any wx 2.8 releases for ages, but there are still commits to the
> branch - last was 18 days ago as I write this: [...]

I was talking about the reverse dependencies here. Reverse
dependencies, which have switched to wx 2.9 cannot be upgraded
in Debian and old releases are no longer supported by upstream.

-- Sebastian

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