On Fri, 2 Aug 2002 22:20, Kevin M. Rosenberg wrote:
> * Package name    : iozone3
>   Version         : 3.120
>   Upstream Author : William Norcott, Don Capps
> * URL             : http://www.iozone.org/
> * License         : [NON-FREE]: limitation of distribution of modifications
>     License to freely use and distribute this software is hereby granted
>     by the author, subject to the condition that this copyright notice
>     remains intact.  The author retains the exclusive right to publish
>     derivative works based on this work, including, but not limited to,
>     revised versions of this work

I discussed this matter with Don some time ago.  At the time I told him that 
I would put IOZone in Debian within 48 hours if he released a version under a 
more free license.  He said that he'd think about it and discuss it with his 
co-author (and I haven't heard from him since).

The limitation on derivative works makes it suitable for non-free at best, 
and at worst entirely excludes it from Debian (depending on the 
interpretation of derivative works).

Is a Debian package a derivative work of the original source?  I think so, 
the author probably doesn't intend it quite that way - but until get get some 
clarification in writing I think we have to interpret it in it's most strict 

Russell Coker

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