Dear Thomas,

Am Freitag, den 20.12.2013, 19:16 +0100 schrieb Thomas Koch:
> Hi Debian-Haskell folks,
> I hope that somebody might be interested in this cool project. I've no
> experience with Haskell and would be curious how much work it might be to
> package this cool and promising project for Debian?
> Regards, Thomas Koch

the packaging of Haskell applications is usually no big deal, if the
dependencies are available. The list is in the field Build-Depends in, and missing in
Debian seems to be only friendly-time, which is another tiny haskell
package that would ideally be part of something else, but if someone
wants to maintain scrz in Debian, we’ll happily package and maintain

As for scrz itself I would not suggest the Haskell group to be the
maintainer, as the Haskell aspect of maintaining the package is minor
compared to the other issues (e.g. dpkg scripts, documentation,
security, handling bug reports). But if someone steps up to maintain it,
we’ll be here to help with the Haskell side and any problems related to

In the current form I have some doubts that it is ready to be shipped in
Debian. For example, the Build-Depends of scrz do not specify version
ranges, which is expected from a polished haskell package. Also, it has
not been uploaded to Hackage. All these are signs of a slight immaturity
of the project (which can be misleading, of course), so I suggest a
thorough evaluation before uploading it to Debian.


Joachim "nomeata" Breitner
Debian Developer | ICQ# 74513189 | GPG-Keyid: 4743206C
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