Ralf Treinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> immo vero scripsit:

> - maria, containing the core
> - maria-doc, containing doc in info and html
> - maria-viz, containing the interface with the (non-free) graphviz
>   graph visualiser. maria-viz will go into contrib, this allows
>   maria to stay in main.

I've been hacking a few programs to work with vcg, which
does a fine work similar to graphviz.
The patch still hasn't gotten into apt, so if people think
building portions which require graphviz in main is wrong,
remove apt from main first :P


[EMAIL PROTECTED] : Junichi Uekawa   http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer
GPG Fingerprint : 17D6 120E 4455 1832 9423  7447 3059 BF92 CD37 56F4
Libpkg-guide: http://www.netfort.gr.jp/~dancer/column/libpkg-guide/

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