On 13-01-14 00:19, Trent W. Buck wrote:
> I'm usually in #debian-mentors on irc.oftc.net from ca. 10AM to 6PM
> Australia/Melbourne time.

I rarely IRC. If necessary I can come online but that's midnight to 8AM
Europe/Brussels time...

> The mg stuff probably still says it's maintained in darcs, but the
> repo (inc. history) was migrated to git, at
> git.debian.org:/git/collab-maint/mg.git
> It's a repo of just debian/, which appears to be an unusual workflow
> among the git people.  I'm open to changing that if you feel strongly.

No problem. I actually still keep all my packages in Subversion...

> As I said in the RFH, the next step should be to get clens into a
> finished state, then get it sponsored.
> I've rsynced what I've currently got to ~twb-guest/Desktop/mg/ on
> git.debian.org; you should have read access.

Ok, I've taken a look, and I think we don't need to bother with clens at
all. As far as I can tell it only duplicates stuff that's already in
libbsd. I've attached a trivial patch to use that library and it seems
to work fine. Can you check if that's okay with upstream?
diff --git a/GNUmakefile b/GNUmakefile
index f9a02da..eac73c5 100644
--- a/GNUmakefile
+++ b/GNUmakefile
@@ -13,13 +13,15 @@ libdir=		$(prefix)/lib
 includedir=	$(prefix)/include
 mandir=		$(prefix)/man
+BSD_CFLAGS:=	$(shell pkg-config --cflags libbsd-overlay)
+BSD_LIBS:=	$(shell pkg-config --libs libbsd-overlay)
 CC=		gcc
 CFLAGS?=	-O2 -pipe
 CFLAGS+=	-g -Wall -Werror -Wno-error=unused-but-set-variable -Wno-error=maybe-uninitialized
-CFLAGS+= 	-I$(includedir)/clens
-LIBS=		-lcurses -lclens
+CFLAGS+= 	$(BSD_CFLAGS) -D__dead=__dead2
+LIBS=		-lcurses $(BSD_LIBS)
 INSTALL=	/usr/bin/install
 STRIP=		/usr/bin/strip
diff --git a/def.h b/def.h
index c7dc24e..1ef0edc 100644
--- a/def.h
+++ b/def.h
@@ -13,7 +13,6 @@
 #include	"sysdef.h"	/* Order is critical.		 */
 #include	"ttydef.h"
 #include	"chrdef.h"
-#include        <clens.h>
 typedef int	(*PF)(int, int);	/* generally useful type */
diff --git a/theo.c b/theo.c
index a5cf284..fadac2a 100644
--- a/theo.c
+++ b/theo.c
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+#include <sys/time.h>
 #include "def.h"
 #include "kbd.h"
 #include "funmap.h"

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