Sylvestre Ledru <> wrote:

> Yes, Luca is touch with ftp master regarding the bootstrap issue, we
> are discussing with upstream on the llvm patches
> and we have the agreement from Mozilla GSoC admin to propose a gsoc on
> the packaging of rust.

I was planning to send a status update as soon as I got a quotable mail
from ftp-masters, but this is taking some time so here's a partial

Rust packaging is currently technically feasible (see the many PPA or
unofficial debs) but some legal/policy issues have to be ironed before
hitting NEW. I'm collecting issues and drafts at

The main one is the bootstrapping phase, for which I have sent a mail
on 07/02/14 to ftp-masters, asking for a position on the proposals at
I'm currently waiting for a return on this.

The other (secondary) issue is the libraries bundling, as described in
jemalloc is no more there, libuv is mostly synched (I was waiting for
an imminent 0.12, but I won't hold my breathe anymore), gyp is a minor
build annoyance, but LLVM is a big beast. For the latter, upstream is
trying to catch up upstream on x86 for 1.0 (but not a blocker):
While this is an annoyance, it won't block NEW review (assuming all the
copyrights are well in place) and (AFAICT) won't have an impact for
-security till when we hit testing/stable (which I still consider
premature now).

Other items just listed in the above page are in a flux:
* soname stability is much better now after[0], but I
  feel that the dynamic-vs-linking discussion is not yet written in
* rustpkg and dpkg integration is not yet there, as rustpkg was
  recently scrapped[1].
* I don't plan to touch multi-arch and cross-build until things are a
  bit more stable.
* Co-installation of several versions is an open design point. PPA
  packages can already do that and I'd like to have it, but I like to
  have a proper runtime-vs-compiler split in place before going there.
  I still have to get in touch with PPA author.

That's mostly it. I'll CC the ftp-masters reply here as soon as I get


Cheers, Luca

  .''`.  |               ~<[ Luca BRUNO ~ (kaeso) ]>~
 : :'  : | Email: lucab (AT) ~ Debian Developer
 `. `'`  | GPG Key ID: 0x3BFB9FB3       ~ Free Software supporter
   `-    | HAM-radio callsign: IZ1WGT   ~ Networking sorcerer

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