On Sun, 2 Mar 2014, Rafael Jesús Alcántara Pérez wrote:


We have been watching this ITP for some months but we have found that there is
no advance. Is there any chance to this ITP could progress any time soon? We
are trying to use CCL because of its multiplatform capabilities (now running
even on Raspberry Pi [1]) so we are very insterested in this ITP.

Thanks in advance.


Hi Rafael,

I'm willing to work with you (time permitting) if you want to use the CCL Debian packaging. You don't have to wait till it gets into Debian (assuming that ever happens). As far as I know it should work, though it has only been lightly tested.

                                                   Regards, Faheem Mitha

| Rafael Jesus Alcantara Perez.
| Email: mailto:ralcant...@dedaloingenieros.com
| Registered Linux User: #45989
| PGP: http://pgp.rediris.es:11371/pks/lookup?op=index&search=0x53F330AB
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