On 2014-03-15 12:27:50, Simon Fondrie-Teitler wrote:
> Hey,
> Sorry for the delayed response. 

No problem here. :)

> anarcat <anar...@debian.org> writes:
>> It seems like upstream fixed a bunch of those issues already, is that
>> right? At least the mediagoblin/tests/test_submission/ seems fine to me.
>> The extlib directory seems more tricky, but my guess is that you could
>> just not ship what's in another debian package in the gmg binary
>> package, and for the rest ship it until someone packages the goods.
> Upstream did fix the issues. I've cherry-picked the changes and applied
> them to a dfsg-free version of 0.6.1. 

That's great.

>> What are exactly the issues needing to be solved now?
> Right now I'm waiting on a review.

I haven't thoroughly tested or looked at the package, but it looks
fairly sane. I would say let's start with that and then others can
probably join in to improve it.

Getting it out of the WNPP queue would certainly help with that, in my

One thing I keep thinking about, is that the stuff detailed in the
README.Debian should probably be implemented as a postinst script: we
could detect whether to configure nginx or apache, have a soft
(recommends) dependency on psql (because we want to allow external db
servers) and use dbconfig-common to configure that database.

But again, this can be done later, shipping the code in a debian package
is a good start.

>> How are you communicating with upstream, are there bug reports? It would
>> be helpful if you would cc this bug report in those communications to
>> get an idea of the progress being made. :)
> There are bug reports. I'll make sure to CC this bug in the future. The
> two tickets for the issues that I've referenced above are:
> https://issues.mediagoblin.org/ticket/847
> https://issues.mediagoblin.org/ticket/848

So it seems both tickets shouldn't be considered a show-stopper for
inclusion in Debian. 847 has a patch and 848 should simply be included
in the copyright file.

I would say give it a try, just upload the package with the
modifications to the copyright file and see where it leads us!


Men often become what they believe themselves to be. If I believe I
cannot do something, it makes me incapable of doing it. But when I
believe I can, then I acquire the ability to do it even if I didn't
have it in the beginning.
                         - Mahatma Gandhi

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