On 05/10/2014 12:03 PM, Jörg Frings-Fürst wrote:
> 1. I never said that the package was hijacked.

No, but you claimed that not asking the maintainer in such a case
is hijacking which is simply not true. Again, Mats offered the
package publicly for adoption and therefore *anyone* who is interested
can adopt the package and should state that in this very same bug

> 2. I never said that Stefan should not adopt the package

I didn't claim that. But Mats made harsh accusations against Stefan
while Stefan just followed the proper procedure and that really annoyed

> And sorry that "Generally, you may not take over the package without the
> assent of the current maintainer" is for me higher as the bugchanging to
> ITA...

You do not really need the consent of the maintainer as the maintainer
already made a public statement that he is no longer interested in the

But, again, that's not the point. The point is that the whole process
should have been communicated in this bug report right from the
beginning. It would have saved everyone time and nerves since it would
have been clear from the beginning that you are already interested
in adopting the package, so Stefan would have just skipped it when
looking for packages in need of a maintainer.

> But I just do not want that here statements are made that are not true.

Sorry, but it is absolutely true that you simply ignored the usual
procedure for adopting a package which let to Mats accusing Stefan
of bad intent. And that's my whole point.

> And finally Paul Wise has on spoken to us about this points on May 10.

I don't understand what this has to do with Paul Wise. He is a DD the
same way as I am a DD.

> I don't understand why this points are still being discussed in public. 

Because keeping this discussion in private is the reason this whole
thing was triggered in the first place. This whole problem is a result
of poor communication, nothing else.

In any case, please agree with Stefan who of you wants to adopt the
package and I am happy to sponsor it. Once you have agreed, please
set the owner of this bug report to the person who wants to adopt the
package to avoid any further confusion.



 .''`.  John Paul Adrian Glaubitz
: :' :  Debian Developer - glaub...@debian.org
`. `'   Freie Universitaet Berlin - glaub...@physik.fu-berlin.de
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