Processing commands for

> retitle 726276 ITP: php-monolog -- send logs to files, sockets, inboxes, 
> databases, and various web services
Bug #726276 [wnpp] RFP: php-monolog -- send logs to files, sockets, inboxes, 
databases, and various web services
Changed Bug title to 'ITP: php-monolog -- send logs to files, sockets, inboxes, 
databases, and various web services' from 'RFP: php-monolog -- send logs to 
files, sockets, inboxes, databases, and various web services'
> owner 726276 !
Bug #726276 [wnpp] ITP: php-monolog -- send logs to files, sockets, inboxes, 
databases, and various web services
Owner recorded as David Prévot <>.
> block 748834 with 748834
Bug #748834 [wnpp] ITP: silex -- php micro framework
Failed to set blocking bugs of 748834: It is nonsensical for a bug to block 
itself (or a merged partner): 748834
        Debbugs::Control::set_blocks('transcript', 'GLOB(0x2d4f7e0)', 
'requester', 'David Prévot <>', 'request_addr', 
'', 'request_msgid', 
'<>', 'request_subject', ...) called at 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/Debbugs/Control/ line 501
        eval {...} called at 
/usr/local/lib/site_perl/Debbugs/Control/ line 500
        Debbugs::Control::Service::control_line('line', 'block 748834 with 
748834', 'clonebugs', 'HASH(0x2cd1390)', 'limit', 'HASH(0x2cc7990)', 
'common_control_options', 'ARRAY(0x2cc79d8)', 'errors', ...) called at 
/usr/lib/debbugs/service line 474

> thanks
Stopping processing here.

Please contact me if you need assistance.
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