Robert - 

Wow!  Never thought an actual Debian developer would think my program
worthy of going into the distro!  I feel sort of honored.  In all
seriousness, I've received a number of bug reports on Oggasm recently
and need to look into them and pump out a new version here pretty soon. 
At that point I'd love to get it into Debian (although I don't know why
it would need to be in non-US?  Is this an mp3 patent issue?  Does the
fact that I depend on mpg321 (not mpg123) help the situation?).

The bigger issue, as I see it, is that I really don't know how to make
packages.  I sort of bumbled my way through the process and created one
that seems to work in most cases on all of my friends i386 boxes...  but
I don't know the first thing about alternate architectures.  And I'm not
entirely sure if I'm in compliance with the Debian Perl Policy.  But, if
you'd be willing to look over how I've got the package setup, give it a
green light, I'd be thrilled.

Thanks for taking notice in my tiny contribution,

On Wed, 2002-08-28 at 16:03, Robert Millan wrote:
> Hello!
> I noticed your nice program, Oggasm, and that
> you made a debian package of it.
> Do you have plans to get it into Debian?
> it'd have to go into non-US but should be
> quite useful.
> I created an ITP entry for your program,
> please CC your response to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> so that it gets recorded.
> cheers,
> -- 
> Robert Millan
> "5 years from now everyone will be running
> free GNU on their 200 MIPS, 64M SPARCstation-5"
>               Andrew S. Tanenbaum, 30 Jan 1992
Sean Kellogg
Senior ~ Political Science
p: 206.934.4465

"I treasure this strange combination found in very few persons: a fierce
desire for life as well as a lucid perception of the ultimate futility
the quest."
     -- Madeleine Gobeil

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