Chow Loong Jin <> writes:

> In this case, we're talking about confusion between a package name + /usr/bin
> binary and a file format. There isn't, to my knowledge, any other executable 
> in
> PATH by the name of gpx, nor is there a package named gpx, so this is still
> rather in the gray area. I'm not even sure that there would be much confusion
> arising from this package being named as gpx -- Not many programs or packages
> are named exactly the same as the file formats they consume.

Hi. Sorry for not replying sooner.

Yes, this is a gray area. Any confusion would certainly be dispelled
once a user reads the package description, but looking at a list of
package names some (at least myself) would initially assume that this
package manipulates GPS track data.

Feel free to close this bug if you feel that renaming this would be more
trouble than it's worth.


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