Andreas, Kurt, Chris, and others,

I've been working diligently on a Debian package for OpenNMS for a few
weeks now.  I currently use OpenNMS in production for my company, and I
run a number of Debian GNU/Linux servers as part of that production
environment.  I have a fair amount of experience building debs to
support that production env and for a custom product we are developing
on a Debian platform.

I've been in contact with a few OpenNMS developers (and even met a
couple of them at a recent LUG meeting).  They seem pretty excited by my
work on a Debian package and they are reviewing my diffs and build now.

I would be very happy to become the official Debian maintainer for
OpenNMS and upload my work.  I'm sure there are plenty of people out
there who would love to just apt-get install opennms!  However, while
going through the Debian developer registration I learned that I need to
be sponsored.  I don't know any Debian developers firsthand, so I
decided to submit this message on the WNPP request and see if someone
can give me some advice, feedback, and maybe point me to a sponsor (or
point a sponsor to me).  :)

The opennms deb I've built is fairly solid.  It is currently a single
deb, though at some point I may split it into pieces.  Since OpenNMS is
primarily a Java application, I've followed the tomcat4 and other Java
deb models out there and tried to make it FHS compliant.  The bulk of
the app lives in /usr/share/opennms, with configs in /etc/opennms and
generated data (reports, events, perf graphs) in /var/lib/opennms.  The
webapp portion of it lives in /usr/share/java/webapps/opennms.  There is
a decent init script with a default file to help define the local
JAVA_HOME.  I've still got some small fixes to do to make the preinst
and postinst stuff more resilient, and correct some dependency issues,
but the package is solid enough for people to start hacking on it and
giving me some feedback.

Thoughts?  Where do I go from here?

Tony Simone
Sr. Network Architect
MedVantx, Inc.

p.s.  Sorry, but I don't follow the debian developers mailing list
because I'm simply overwhelmed with email already.  Too many security
and other mailing lists...

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