(CCing the bug to get this discussion linked in it.)


Good job identifying those problems Nils!  Also, they are all minor, so
I'm guessing it should be relatively easy to get this package in shape
for Debian.

On Tue, Oct 07, 2014 at 12:28:08PM +0800, Paul Wise wrote:
> Indeed. Manual page is optional I would think.

Policy 12.1: "Each program, utility, and function should have an
associated manual page included in the same package", so in that sense
it would not be optional.  On the other hand, not having one wouldn't be
an RC-bug (because it says "should", not "must").  So you can make a
package without one, but you should make sure it gets one eventually.

But while we're at it, I'll just vent my opinion: no manual page is
better than an empty one.  If you write a manual page that contains
nothing more than "Hello, this is a manual page because policy says
there should be one", then you're not helping our users.  The program is
still not documented using a manpage, and the lintian bug for it is
appropriate.  Such manual pages are an example of hiding bugs instead of
fixing them, and we shouldn't be doing that.  (SC #3)

On Tue, Oct 07, 2014 at 05:47:42PM +0200, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:
> > if [ -f "/usr/games/gargoyle" ]; then
> >     GAR=/usr/games/gargoyle
> > else
> >     GAR=/usr/games/gargoyle-free
> > fi
> I am not sure, but I think in Debian this would be handled by the
> alternatives <https://wiki.debian.org/DebianAlternatives>. Is this
> correct or should a Debian package just default to gargoyle-free?

Yes.  If the free version works well, we prefer using that, and we don't
reference the non-free version at all.  If it wouldn't work well, we'd
use the non-free version and that means this package would need to be in
contrib (but that doesn't seem to be the case here).

> First, why the symlinking? It seems to me that the symlink will stay if
> the package is uninstalled and leave a broken symlink in the user's home
> directory.

It is quite normal for programs to create configuration in the home when
they are run, and that will remain after uninstalling (but that will
usually be a copy, not a link).  That isn't a problem.  You are correct
that it might be nicer to do it differently (using the system location
as default if the user location doesn't exist), but that is not

But if config file handling is going to be changed anyway, please
consider using the xdg basedir standard, putting them in ~/.config/.
That will help cleaning the dotfile-mess in ~. :-)  (By the way, xdg
basedir also defines that the system path must be used as a fallback,
just like Nils wants.)


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