Hi Achim,

I am currently in the process of packaging jchart2d for Debian and I have
already created a proper Debian package. I have one question and would like
to make one suggestion:

I have used


as the source tarball for the Debian release of jchart2d. Sourceforge has 
version 3.2.2 but maven
claims to provide a newer version, 3.3.2


Which one is the latest release of jchart2d?

I have managed to compile jchart2d from source with 
jchart2d-eclipse-project-3.2.2.zip but the
source tarball contains pre-compiled jar files and external libraries. Since 
those libraries
are shipped without source code, I was forced to remove them from the tarball. 
It would be great
if you considered to release a source only tarball of jchart2d in the future, 
so that we could
package pristine versions of jchart2d. More information about this topic are 
available here:


Best regards,


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