Hi again Mr. Lea,

I think you were CC'd on the reply I got from the debian-legal
mailing list:

On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 11:30:17PM -0500, Branden Robinson wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 10:57:47PM -0400, Steven Barker wrote:

> > I'm a bit concerned about the word "non-transferable" and the fact
> > that the license may grant permission to modify and/or distribute
> > to Doug Lea but not to third parties like Debian or even me as an
> > individual.
> Your analysis is correct.  Unfortunately, this means that the license
> fails DFSG 7 ("Distribution of License").  A shame, because it otherwise
> looked DSFG-free (pretty much the BSD license, though that bit about
> affirming non-usage in nuclear facilities gave me a little pause).
> > Do I need to get further clairification from Sun about this?
> Yes.

I'm putting some more work into my packaging of util.concurrent, and I'd
like to figure out a solution to the license issue.  Here's the situation
as I see it:

Right now, I (and Debian) do not have permission from Sun to modify or
distribute the code that is copyrighted by Sun (and the derivative works
of their copyrighted code).  The license you mailed me gives _you_
permission to do so, but as explicitly says it's non-transferable, you
cannot grant that permission to anyone else.

The files that are derived from Sun code (and/or documentation) are:

The two basic solutions to this problem are:
1) You (or I) get a license from Sun that allows the modification and
   distribution those files to anyone, _and_ which is transferable to
   anyone who recieves them from us.
2) I remove the affected files from the Debian package.

CopyOnWriteArrayList, ConcurrentReaderHashMap and ConcurrentHashMap
 (derived code)
PropertyChangeMulticaster and VetoableChangeMulticaster
 (derived documentation).

If I remove those, I will also have to remove (or disable the
compilation of) CopyOnWriteArraySet and ObservableSync, which depend
on CopyOnWriteArrayList.

I think it would be a shame to have to remove some components from
your library before distribution in Debian, but I'm not sure how
likely it is that Sun will give either of us their code under a
license significantly more free than the normal JDK.

So, which solution would you prefer?

Can you suggest someone at Sun I should email to ask about getting
a more Free license?

Steve Barker

Steven Barker                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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