On Mon, Sep 30, 2002 at 10:25:43PM -0500, Justin Chapweske wrote:

> Sorry for the late reply.  We have sync'd the FEC package with the 
> newest version of the common.jar and have released FEC-1.0.3 at 
> (http://onionnetworks.com/developers/).  The source for common-20020926 
> is included in the FEC package.

Great!  I've just downloaded it and will start working on building
pacakges in the next few days.  Thanks a lot for your response.  I
don't mind waiting for helpful news. :-)

> Also, I was able to locate the util.concurrent package at 
> (http://gee.cs.oswego.edu/dl/classes/EDU/oswego/cs/dl/util/concurrent/intro.html).

Yes, I found that.  I think at the time that server was down, or slow.
I've been talking with Doug Lea about possible copyright problems with
a few of the classes.  That won't cause any problems for FEC, as the
issues are with classes you don't use.

I'll let you know when I have packages built for FEC.  Thanks again for
writing such high quality Free Software!

Steven Barker                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  But it does move!
                -- Galileo Galilei
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