On 2015-09-08 06:20:33, Danny Edel wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Aug 2015 14:14:35 +0200 Danny Edel wrote:
>> I am currently working on a proof-of-concept version of d/rules doing
>> all of that, I will report back here once I've got a working draft.
> I have pushed a working packaging to github. It's not of
> release-quality, but it should serve as a proof-of-concept for building
> from git tags.
> git clone git://github.com/dannyedel/pkg-borgbackup.git
> gbp buildpackage -uc -us [-S/-b]
> Browse: https://github.com/dannyedel/pkg-borgbackup
> Things left to do/discuss:
> * Lintian notices that the binaries are not properly hardened. I've
> tried including /usr/share/dpkg/buildflags.mk, but enabling pie in the
> hardening options breaks the build on the cython files. I am not sure
> what's the right course of action here.

http://eriberto.pro.br/blog/?p=2222 may help.

> * If we symlink borg to borgbackup (like the package name), lintian
> complains that /usr/bin/borgbackup has no manpage. Do we also symlink
> the manpage or is there a special syntax to say "load 'man borg' when
> someone types 'man borgbackup'"?

It's a symlink, i believe.

> Just to make clear, I don't think this packaging is ready for production
> use as-is.  It's meant as a proof-of-concept of building from the
> minimal set of source files (i.e. the ones versioned in git), using
> debian packaged versions of cython and sphinx to re-generate the rest.
> If you also think that's a good idea, please use as much or as little as
> seems appropriate.

How does it differ from the package that Gianfranco and Marc have been
working on? (In cc.)

Omnis enim ex infirmitate feritas est.
All cruelty springs from weakness.
                         - Lucius Annaeus Seneca (58 AD)

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