On 09/08/2015 10:11 AM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
> Quoting Thomas Goirand (2015-09-08 09:28:15)
>> On 09/07/2015 08:42 PM, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>>>> If you wish to drop the generation of fonts-roboto from the 
>>>> fonts-android package, then good.
>>> I think the better approach is to keep the fonts-roboto package, have 
>>> your package exclude fonts, depend on the fonts-roboto package, and 
>>> symlink font files from there as needed.
>> I don't think so. The fonts-roboto package currently only provides 
>> .tff files, which are useless for the web. The sources aren't the 
>> same.
> What are the sources, then?


>>>> Do you think I should join the pkg-fonts group to maintain these 
>>>> fonts under the group?
>>> We can always use more helping hands in the fonts team :-)
>>> But if your focus is on OpenStack then perhaps just coordinate with 
>>> the font team on tuning the fonts-roboto package to provide what is 
>>> needed for reuse with OpenStack - i.e. those web representations of 
>>> the font (CSS/Sass/Less sounds like OpenStack-specific glue so 
>>> probably makes best sense to package separately).
>> They aren't OpenStack specific, it's just modern Javascript stuff, 
>> which can be reused by any project.
> Great - then suggest maintainers of the existing package to adopt those 
> tiny files too.

Well, we just talked about dropping the generation of fonts-roboto from
the old source package... Or am I missing something?



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