Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Anthony Fok <>

* Package name    : golang-github-opennota-urlesc
  Version         : 0.0~git20150208.0.5fa9ff0-1
  Upstream Authors: The Go Authors, OpenNota
* URL             :
* License         : BSD-3-clause
  Programming Lang: Go
  Description     : Proper URL escaping as per RFC3986 for Go

 Package urlesc implements query escaping as per RFC 3986
 for the Go Programming Language.
 It contains some parts of the net/url package, modified so as to
 allow some reserved characters incorrectly escaped by net/url (see
 issue 5684 (

Reason for packaging:
 Needed by "", which is needed by
 "", i.e. Hugo the static website generator.

Note that Go1.5 has fixed its URL escaping to fully conform with RFC3986,
hence "" has finished its historic mission.
However, as @PuerkitoBio noted:

  Yeah, it is now fixed in Go1.5 but it's unlikely people will all
  upgrade that fast, so I'd be tempted to leave it in for a while,
  at least until Go1.6, maybe even another release after that.
  I think a conditional build tag could be used, I may take a look at
  that when I have a moment, so I'll leave that open.

    -- from

so I think we should do the same with ""
and keep it around until Debian migrate to Go1.6 or even Go1.7.

To be maintained within the pkg-go team.

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