On Tuesday, September 29 2015, Andreas Tille wrote:

> Hi Sergio,

Hey Andreas,

> I think this package is health related and thus a target for the Debian
> Med team.  Since we currently do not have a better task (category in
> Blends terminilogy) the package might be mentioned in the tools task[1].
> We might consider a new task like "therapy" or so.

A quick look at Blends tells me that maybe this software could fit in
the 'Medical data' task (because its purpose is to analyse the data
generated by CPAP machines), although 'Tools' is a good option as well.

> I would recommend maintaining the package in the Debian Med team and use
> our VCS (either Git or SVN at your preference).  Here[2] you can find a
> policy how to join the team and and what workflow we use.

Sure, no problem.  I will make sure to subscribe to the mailing list and
request membership of the Debian Med group on Alioth.

Thanks for the tips,

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