Package: wnpp
Owner: "Debian Ruby Team" <>
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : ruby-crb-blast
  Version         : 0.6.4
  Upstream Author : Chris Boursnell & Richard Smith-Unna
* URL             :
* License         : MIT
  Programming Lang: Ruby
  Description     : Run conditional reciprocal best blast

CRB-BLAST is a novel method for finding orthologs between one set of
sequences and another. This is particularly useful in genome and
transcriptome annotation.

CRB-BLAST initially performs a standard reciprocal best BLAST. It does this
by performing BLAST alignments of query->target and target->query.
Reciprocal best BLAST hits are those where the best match for any given
query sequence in the query->target alignment is also the best hit of the
match in the reverse (target->query) alignment.

Reciprocal best BLAST is a very conservative way to assign orthologs. The
main innovation in CRB-BLAST is to learn an appropriate e-value cutoff to
apply to each pairwise alignment by taking into account the overall
relatedness of the two datasets being compared. This is done by fitting a
function to the distribution of alignment e-values over sequence lengths.
The function the e-value cutoff for a sequence of given length.

This package is a dependency for 'transrate'

This package will be maintained as part of the Debian Ruby packaging team.

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