On Sat, Nov 16, 2002 at 10:08:44AM +0100, Ondrej Sury wrote:
> Branden Robinson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 01:17:30PM +0100, Ondrej Sury wrote:
> >> * Package name    : nsd
> >>   Version         : 1.0.2b1
> >>   Upstream Author : NLnet Labs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >> * URL             : http://www.nlnetlabs.nl/nsd/
> >> * License         : BSD
> >>   Description     : NSD is an authoritative only, high performance, simple 
> >> and open source name server.
> >
> > Just out of curioisity, which version of the BSD license does it use?
> > The GPL-compatible one?
> As you can see, it's the same one which is in
> /usr/share/common-licenses/BSD (name of copyright holder is changed), but I
> don't know if it is GPL-compatible.

This is also known as the "3-clause BSD" license, and yes, it is

Thanks for following up.

G. Branden Robinson                |    The basic test of freedom is
Debian GNU/Linux                   |    perhaps less in what we are free to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    do than in what we are free not to
http://people.debian.org/~branden/ |    do.                  -- Eric Hoffer

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