Dear Corbier,

Just let you informed that I'm still working on this.

I met DD Iwamatsu-san on that debian event, and since he don't have
IPv6 environment which need to verify whether my modification working
well or not, I managed to create a environment which utilize Hurricane
Electric's IPv6 tunnel service to build a stateful IPv6 gateway/host
by using wide-dhcpv6-server/client.

The script & setting is in github:
- IPv6 stateful gateway:
- IPv6 stateful host:
I hope the verification process can go more smooth by these scripts and setting.


On Fri, Sep 11, 2015 at 12:19 AM, Roger Shimizu <> wrote:
> CC:
> Dear Corbier,
> As you may already notice that I'm going to ITA "wide-dhcpv6" package
> under your maintaining currently.
> I already make some changes, mainly on resolving gcc/blhc warnings,
> and put it on github:
> It's going to be version 20080615-14.
> I need sponsor to upload.
> Fortunately, there's going to be a annual Debian training nearby this
> weekend,
> So I can meet DD/DM there, and ask someone for help.
> So if you have any suggestion or advice, please kindly let me know.
> Thank you!
> Cheers,
> Roger
> To:
> こんにちは、Roger です。
> パッケージング道場の事前準備として、ITAの申請とpatchの用意を行いました。
> 初めてuploadなので、何か不足かもしれない。
> 勉強会の際にDD・DM達に聞かさせて頂きます。
> 楽しみしております。
> よろしくお願いいたします。

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