Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist

On 11-Dec-2015, Ben Finney wrote:
> * The Inform 7 developers, as best I can determine from their public
>   statements, assert control over the maintenance of the Inform 6
>   compiler and standard library. Importantly for Debian, that means
>   the maintenance schedules, version strings, and released tarballs
>   are all different from the ‘inform6unix’ code base.
>   So there will be separate ‘inform6-compiler’ and ‘inform6-library’
>   source packages, getting source tarballs from (respectively) David
>   Kinder's ‘Inform6’ compiler repository, and your ‘inform6lib’
>   library. The version strings are derived from the releases from
>   those repositories.

I now Intend To Package the ‘inform6-library’ package from an upstream
source distinct from the ‘inform6’ package.

    Package name:           inform6-compiler
    Version:                6.11
    Upstream developer:     Inform project
    License:                Artistic License 2.0
    Programming language:   Inform 6
    Description: Inform 6 interactive fiction language — standard library
    Inform 6 is an object-oriented language for writing interactive
    fiction, also known as “text adventures” or “adventure games”.
    As an interactive fiction developer, you create Inform 6 source code
    defining the story. Then compile from source code to “Z-code”, the
    bytecode for a virtual machine (a “Z-machine”). The resulting story
    files are highly portable, with Z-code interpreters available for
    many different platforms.
    This package installs:
     * The Inform 6 standard library.

This will be a dependency for the overall ‘inform6’ package, which is
from an upstream source maintained and versioned separately.

 \        “If it ain't bust don't fix it is a very sound principle and |
  `\      remains so despite the fact that I have slavishly ignored it |
_o__)                                     all my life.” —Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney <>

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