* Osamu Aoki <os...@debian.org>, 2015-12-14, 21:36:
The package should actually be called 'Z', but according to reportbug hat is not a valid package name.

reportbug is right. As per Policy §5.6.1, package names “must be at least two characters long”.

Are there any suggestions for this?

My suggestion is to ask upstream about their preference in alternative names for "z".

Yes.  That's the best thing to do.

Or at least, install its binary and manpage in some other name such as rupa-z or zjump. And add suggestion to make a short alias such as "z" which does not conflict on the machine in its manpage and README.

I'm confused. There is no file conflict here, so I see no reason to rename the program or its manpage.

We do have to rename the package, but only because the use upstream uses is too short.

Jakub Wilk

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