Hi Jonas,

Am 06.02.2016 um 14:50 schrieb Jonas Smedegaard:
> Quoting Ole Streicher (2016-02-06 13:44:33)
>> * Package name    : asdf
> [...]
>>   Description     : Python tools to handle ASDF files
> If these are commandline tools that happen to be written in Python then 
> the package name makes good sense.  If however it is Python libraries 
> then please use python-asdf as package name.

I usually name the source package name like the upstream package name
now (so, without the python-). In this case, I would however use pyasdf,
since this also an upstream name for the package, and since it reads the
asdf *format*, I would not take this name for a language specific
package (likely, a hypothetical tcl package would then be tcl-asdf).

However, there is an upstream/pypi name confusion with another
format/package (*seismic* data instead of *scientific* data) which they
should resolve -- see the comment from Christoph Deil and the according
guthub issue. I will take whatever comes out there as a package name.



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