On 2016-02-05 14:31, Daniel Pocock wrote:
On 5 February 2016 20:12:13 CET, "W. Martin Borgert"
<deba...@debian.org> wrote:
the link to mentors seems to be dead.
Is there any progress with Jappix packaging?
Are there any problems? Missing JS dependencies?
I tested it briefly but haven't had time to do any more.
Sorry for having abandoned the project for so long. Upstream completely
reorganized the directory layout of the source code and it's a festival
of imported third-party code that is in different stages of being
available in Debian. Also I've started tracking and rebuilding the
debian/copyright file but got discouraged at some point.
Philippe Gauthier <philippe.gauth...@deuxpi.ca>
https://www.deuxpi.ca/ @deuxpi