Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Markus Koschany <>

* Package name    : lombok-patcher
  Version         : 0.20
  Upstream Author : The Project Lombok Authors
* URL             :
* License         : Expat
  Programming Lang: Java
  Description     : live-rewrite classes as a JVM runs

Lombok Patcher gives you the ability to live-rewrite classes as a JVM
runs, either by loading as an agent during JVM bootup or by injecting
the agent 'live' during execution.

To make this easier than fiddling with classes directly, Lombok
Patcher offers a few 'patch scripts' to do common tasks, such as wrap
your own code around any method call, replace methods entirely with
your own, or add fields.

lombok.patcher also includes support for getting around the Eclipse
OSGi container's classloader separation.

lombok-patcher is a required build-dependency for fixing src:lombok
and packaging lombok-ast which in turn is needed for

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