On 02/28/2016 03:26 AM, Felix Natter wrote:
> - unfortunately, we need to upgrade libjaudiotagger-java from 2.0.3 to
>   2.2.5. Fortunately, there is only one r-dep beside jajuk, so it
>   shouldn't be that much work.
> [javac] 
> /home/felix/jajuk-unstable/jajuk/src/org/jajuk/services/tags/JAudioTaggerTagImpl.java:52:
>  error: package org.jaudiotagger.tag.images does not exist
> [javac] import org.jaudiotagger.tag.images.Artwork;
> Tony (or Damien?), since you touched this
>   http://anonscm.debian.org/viewvc/pkg-java/trunk/libjaudiotagger-java/
> Would you consider helping me upgrading this?

Hi Felix,

Yes, I will take a look at libjaudiotagger-java.


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