[not keeping James in the loop since I know he is subscribed to the ML]

On Tue, Mar 15, 2016 at 03:19:26PM +0000, James Clarke wrote:
> It seems this wasn’t sent to the mailing list, so I’m forwarding it myself.

yes, mails/bugs against the wnpp pseudo-package are very much not
forwarded to the package in question.  To solve this, I'm keeping both
the ML and the RFA bug in Cc.

On 14 Mar 2016, at 16:02, James Clarke <jrt...@jrtc27.com> wrote:
> I see this RFA has been outstanding for a while now. I have fairly
> recently become a Debian Maintainer, although I have been maintaining
> the polyml package for half a year now.

I started maintaining pbuilder before being a DD, while I was "only" a
DM, so don't worry about it :)

> As a regular user of cowbuilder,
> I would be interested in maintaining or co-maintaining cowdancer,
> provided you would be ok with me doing so as a mere DM

By all means, if you would like to maintain cowbuild you are really free
to! :)
Just, I'd like to see some work before giving you commit access to the
Just do as follow:
1) clone the git repository
2) do some stuff in it (fix bugs, develop something, whatever; I'd
   appreciate fixing bugs ;))
3) ask on the ML to review/merge/cherry-pick you things (for the
   workflow: I prefer a remote where I can pull from, no flying patches
   in the ML)
4) If (it'll be pretty quick, I suppose) I or Iain are happy of your
   work I'll grant you commit access to the repository
5) if you'd like to cut a release, just tell so and either me or Iain
   are happy to sponsor it :)

> (I've left it as
> an RFA rather than changing it to an ITA as I would like your opinion).

Well, if you are going to start, please do the retitling and set
yourself as a owner.

                        Mattia Rizzolo

GPG Key: 66AE 2B4A FCCF 3F52 DA18  4D18 4B04 3FCD B944 4540      .''`.
more about me:  http://mapreri.org                              : :'  :
Launchpad user: https://launchpad.net/~mapreri                  `. `'`
Debian QA page: https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=mattia  `-

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