
On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 03:13:34PM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 28, 2016 at 11:09:38AM +0200, Geert Stappers wrote:
> > > What exatly do you want to tell me?  Thank's to Joost's previous work
> > > one precondition for the package I ITPed (r-cran-shiny) exists, yes.
> > 
> > That two teams are working on "r-cran-stuff", I hope they join forces.
> I'm fine with moving r-cran-<debian-med-packages> to any team / VCS that
> might care for R packages inside Debian.  I had several disputes about
> forming an R team inside Debian which always failed since Dirk does not
> agree about this. 

As far as I understand it, currently most r-cran stuff in debian is maintained
within the debian science team.

> My packages are either in Debian Science or Debian
> Med - any DD has commit permissions to both VCSes.

Same here for my r-cran packages; so no risk of doing any duplicate work :)

> > > Anything else? 
> > 
> > A web-search did bring up
> >  https://non-gnu.uvt.nl/debian/jessie/r-cran-shiny/
> > which has a r-cran-shiny_0.12.2-1~jessie1_amd64.deb
> I'm exclusively seeking on site:debian.org so I missed this.

IIRC that package is an extremely crude hack, better not look at it.  All my
r-cran work suitable for public consumption is in the debian-science git repo.

> Thanks for the heads up

Yup, thanks Geert.



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