
On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 05:09:29AM +0000, Mattia Rizzolo wrote:
> If you put that in Debian::Debhelper::Sequence::elpa you could just
> check for something (an exported variable?) and/or do some magic to
> detect on your own, without having package maintainers having to do this
> choice for all those packages, couldn't you?

Hmm, an exported environment variable in debian/rules to make the choice
is a good idea.  I'll look into that, thanks.

> > But then for ease of maintenance it should be its own source
> > package.
> this sounds kind of ominous to me: we're talking about an alleged
> helper, maintained in the same team where dh-elpa is maintained. What
> kind of difficult of maintenance would have it?  To me, it looks like
> it would actually *easy* the maintenance, as I couldn't figure this
> as something separated from dh-elpa, but only tightly united.

I didn't want responsibility for fixing bugs in dh-elpa-test to fall on
the shoulders of David Bremner :)  Even though it's a team-maintained
package, it makes sense for the person who wrote the code to try fixing
it first.

On Sun, Apr 10, 2016 at 06:36:11AM +0000, Niels Thykier wrote:
> I am not aware of any reason why a package can only provide at most one
> debhelper sequence?  If this is the primary reason for having two
> packages, please assert that this assumption holds.

No, a package can provide more than one.  I just didn't want to throw in
a lot of extra lines to dh-elpa's build scripts.

Sean Whitton

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