On 16-Apr-2016, Ben Finney wrote:
> * I can look at ‘glk-dev’ and maybe package that too, as a build
>   dependency for ‘inform6lib’. This would delay the ‘inform6lib’
>   inclusion, by an unknown interval.

It turns out that ‘glk-dev’ (needed to build the ‘infglk.h’ file)
itself has a non-free build dependency, ‘cheapglk’.

There is an open bug report now upstream to investigate this
<URL:https://github.com/DavidGriffith/inform6lib/issues/35>, but for
now I think that quashes the idea of building the file with free

> * I could patch out Glulx support in this initial release of the
>   package, while chasing the corresponding source and external
>   dependencies needed for possible Glulx support in a future release.

The source package now needs to omit the non-source ‘infglk.h’ file. I
will create a new source package without that file.

 \         “I call him Governor Bush because that's the only political |
  `\              office he's ever held legally.” —George Carlin, 2008 |
_o__)                                                                  |
Ben Finney <b...@benfinney.id.au>

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