On 2016/04/19 10:39, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> On Tue, 19 Apr 2016, Filip Pytloun wrote:
> > I think this is the same case as Puppet modules that are already
> > packaged and maintained by PKG Openstack team.
> Right, I'm not sure if the packaging of those puppet modules was a good
> idea either.
> > This formula is part of openstack-salt project and unlike other formulas
> > that can be found on the Internet these has some more "fashion" like
> > extensive documentation [1] covering whole ecosystem of Openstack Salt
> > deployment, unified structure across formulas, automated tests, etc.
> > [1] http://openstack-salt.tcpcloud.eu/
> Ok.
> > So in ideal state it should be possible to deploy whole Openstack
> > infrastructure using SaltStack just by using Debian packages provided in
> > repositories.
> What value does the Debian package add here? It's not like such a
> deployment will be automatic without further configuration of salt...
> and you can use salt rules to download your desired salt formulas.
> Having dependencies on a salt formula does not add any value either
> since the code is running on other hosts (minions).

There can be also dependencies between formulas, eg. freeipa formula may
depend on formula openssh, horizon formula may depend on apache formula,
It's still necessary to configure Salt and provide pillar but these
things can be possibly also automated in some debian way.

Another advantage I see is having formula packages in (old)stable Debian
release which should always work for that particular release without
need to search Github for version tested against it.
Eg. formulas in stretch should always work for stretch together with
other packages in distribution (eg. openstack mitaka).
This needs some more work on automated testing but it's in progress :-)

> > Anyway I also wanted to package non-openstack formulas that are done in
> > the same way [2] (it's currently about 60 formulas).
> > [2] https://github.com/tcpcloud?query=salt-formula-
> Hum, there are many modules there that seem to use the same namespace
> as other modules hosted here:
> https://github.com/saltstack-formulas/
> Yet they seem to be different implementations...
> Cheers,
> -- 
> Raphaël Hertzog ◈ Debian Developer
> Support Debian LTS: http://www.freexian.com/services/debian-lts.html
> Learn to master Debian: http://debian-handbook.info/get/

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