Le vendredi 13 mai 2016, 10:37:35 Alexander Gerasiov a écrit :
> > Do you also plan to ship all the 19 known plugins in the same
> > package ? https://github.com/kedder/ofxstatement#known-plugins

> Not in ofxstatement, but in ofxstatement-plugin-name or ofxstatement-plugins.


In my understanding, "package-plugins" are meant to extend functionality
of "package"; where "package" can already be mostly usefull without the plugins.

e.g.: "konqueror" suggests "konq-plugins" .

In this case, ofxstatement is of absolutely no use by itself.

Whoever made the pip3 package likely did understood that
and also included ofxstatement-lithuanian & ofxstatement-czech
in this archive.

So I'd just roll everything, core + plugins, in one single package.

> I was thinking about this. And would like to talk with guys from Python
> apps packaging team.

Team-maintained is a good idea.
> Create separate package for every plugin looks like an overkill, may be
> it would be better to merge them in one package. But since I'll put
> them under team maintenance (I believe it's the right move), it would be
> better to follow best practices.

This is not python specific at all, it's just about trying to make packages
where the metadata doesn't outweight the actual contents;
& avoiding to put too much strain on ftp-masters, mirrors et all without any 


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