
On Sun, Jun 26, 2016 at 12:02:43PM +0200, Axel Beckert wrote:
> The command as on the wiki didn't work as it misses the trailing ";"
> for the command and if that's added, only lists tons of "TODO".

The 'TODO' meant that I hadn't finished figuring out the command :P

Some `packages.el' files specify more than one package to be downloaded
from MELPA.  For example, in layers/+lang/elm/package.el:

    (setq elm-packages

I'd started writing lots of regexps to get the list of packages out but
I think it might be better just to invoke Emacs to, you know, parse the

> According to "wc -l" this are 111 packages. From the logs of my first
> spacemacs run, it only seems to have downloaded 69 of them. And I
> don't have all available *-el and elpa-* packages installed on that
> system. So I also checked .emacs.d/elpa where it seems to store the
> downloaded packages:

I'm not sure whether this is a viable alternative to my approach or not
-- I don't think Spacemacs downloads all the packages on a first run.  I
think that some layers are considered 'optional'.  If there was some way
to know that we had activated every single layer, and we did it in a
clean sid chroot, it would give the correct list.

We could make a team decision to package spacemacs once all the
compulsory dependencies are packaged, or we could wait until we have the
packages that every single layer requires.

Sean Whitton

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