On Mon, Aug 8, 2016 at 4:42 PM, Antoine Beaupré <anar...@debian.org> wrote:

> It is not hardcoded: you can change the central host and relay with a
> simple commandline option.
> $ wormhole --help | grep -B1 'to use'
> Options:
>   --relay-url URL                 rendezvous relay to use
>   --transit-helper tcp:HOST:PORT  transit relay to use
> This could, arguably, be done in a configuration file to facilitate
> using third party servers, but this can hardly be considered
> hardcoded. Anyways, if the current main host goes down, I assume the
> software can/will be patched to provide other hosts as options.
> Keep in mind transfers are ephemeral: the central hosts are used only to
> establish contact and transfer the file, then everything is torn down.

Fair enough, *a* central host is hardcoded. You could obviously set up your
own, which sort of defeats the purpose of being simple, but point conceded.

> >> We still ship FTP daemons that serve files without passwords and use
> >> cleartext by default.
> >
> > They're not labeled "secure" though ;)
> Actually, quite a few are:

[ ... snip ... ]

> I agree it is somewhat of an empty word, but it shouldn't be considered
> reason enough to keep stuff from entering Debian, because then you'd
> have a *lot* of packages to kick out the archive. Heck, "apt search
> secure" suggests I installed zendframework, and we know how scary PHP
> security has been in the past. ;)

Good point.

> > Just to clarify, I never objected to the package itself, just that I
> > wasn't sure about it being called "secure".  I don't know enough about
> > the algorithms and attack surfaces involved to make any kind of
> > qualified statement though, so maybe it does qualify as secure.
> Well, I am not a cryptographer myself, so I can't comment about the
> algorithm. But I am somewhat familiar with such protocols and I found
> they brought a novel and robust system in place, that has similar
> robustness properties than existing protocols (e.g. Oauth with a
> digit-only PIN) with interesting enhancements that make it fail more
> gracefully (abort transfer after first failed attempt).
> May I suggest that, if you do not know enough about security protocols,
> you refrain from discouraging people, that do have some knowledge about
> them, from packaging software into Debian? :)

Will do. Crawling back under my rock.

At no point was I attempting to discourage anyone, apologies if it came off
that way. It does look like a really useful tool, I just figured it might
need a tiny bit more vetting before calling it secure. It appears I was
wrong, which is cool. I like being wrong. :)


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