Hi Hugo,

> ---
>  * HEAD is set on a non-existent ref. This is weird, I don't
>    know how you did that. The repository appears to be empty when you
>    clone it for the first time... :-)
>  * You can already push the 'upstream' tags. In fact, you should delete
>    the 'debian' tags if you have some, they should not exist for the
>    moment. You will tag the debian release after the upload of the
>    package.

Well, I'm not really sure about how the HEAD problem happened, i thought it
was how we were supposed to work (although i would find it better to have
the HEAD properly set). I created the git following our team's
instructions[1] and it looks like we have at least one more package with
this problem (hashcat), from the other email you sent on the team's list i
bet this is affecting more then two of our packages.

I just pushed the upstream tags, considering the debian tags, i'm aware
that i can only tag it when we're ready for release.

Regarding the rest of the hints, i believe i applied them all and git push
everything, i'm sorry for making some silly mistakes, i did not paid enough
attention to some things like the changelog change that dch have made when
i switched my DEBFULLNAME.

I'm used to work with lintian (with pedantic and experimental flags
enabled), cowbuild, piuparts and licensecheck, i'm gonna look through the
other ones you mentioned and start using them too, some days ago i did see
something about building a reproducible build environment too, what i
believe it would be nice to have in our team's package (reproducibility).

I'm very grateful for you taking your time to review my changes and
reporting problems with a nice explanation attached, thanks.


Samuel Henrique O. P. [samueloph]

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