On Tue, Jan 07, 2003 at 02:41:12PM -0400, Gleydson Mazioli da Silva wrote:
> package: wnpp
> severity: wishlist
> Hi all,
> I intent to package the new mailman 2.1 series. I've sent mail some time ago 
> to Tollef asking if there was any problem in maintaining that new series, but 
> I got no 
> response (I hope that Tollef see this message :-). 

One more email is not a bad idea.

> I'm working for a time as list master for listas.cipsga.org.br, creating 
> some useful scripts to easy the list administration, backup, etc. for 
> list masters. 
> This new release has some interesting features, including VERP support, 
> emergency moderation, content type filtering, multi language support, etc.
> I've started that packaging from scratch and I wish to include all features 
> mentioned above as easy user selection for mailman installation.
> Initially, I've named this package as mailman21, so it will not conflict 
> with the original mailman package, so the list administrator could do the 
> migration without some problems. I've writed all steps to do the upgrade 
> from mailman 2.0 release to 2.1 release.
> If no objection, I'll upload the package.

Uhm, what's the reason to have 2 packages for the same program?
Are there incompatible? Cannot 2.1 be run in 2.0 compatible mode?
IMHO someone should have a very solid reason to prefer separate
packaging instead of upgrading. You could probably produce a patch
to integrate your scripts in current 2.0 or propose an upgrading path
to 2.1. 

Francesco P. Lovergine

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