On Fri, 23 Sep 2016 01:33:14 +0100, Nick Morrott wrote:

> * Package name    : libparams-validationcompiler-perl
>   Version         : 0.13
>   Upstream Author : Dave Rolsky <auta...@urth.org>
> * URL             : https://metacpan.org/release/Params-ValidationCompiler
> * License         : Artistic-2.0
>   Programming Lang: Perl
>   Description     : Module to build an optimized subroutine parameter 
> validator

> Params::ValidationCompiler is a new dependency of libdatetime-perl.

... and some other libdate*-perl packages.

I also stumbled across this new dependecy some days ago, and I found
at https://metacpan.org/pod/Params::ValidationCompiler the

"This is very alpha. The module name could change. Everything could
change. You have been warned."

which doesn't sound too inviting and maybe hints to waiting a bit
before packaging it.

OTOH it's written and maintained by the maintainer of the Date*
distributions which need it, so maybe we should just go along.


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