Package: wnpp
Severity: wishlist
Owner: Julien Muchembled <>

* Package name    : zc.customdoctests
  Version         : 1.0.1+1.gc142624-1
  Upstream Author : Zope Foundation and Contributors <>
* URL             :
* License         : Zope-2.1
  Programming Lang: Python
  Description     : Use Python doctest with other languages

 doctest (and recently manuel) provide hooks for using custom doctest
 parsers. zc.customdoctests helps to leverage this to support other
 languages, such as JavaScript (with python-spidermonkey):
     js> function double (x) {
     ...     return x*2;
     ... }
     js> double(2)
 And with python-manuel, it facilitates doctests that mix multiple languages,
 such as Python, JavaScript, and sh.

This is a required dependency for the new version of ZODB, and I plan to
maintain it as part of the Debian Python Modules Team. See also

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