Package: wnpp
Owner: picca <>
Severity: wishlist

* Package name    : ufo-filters
  Version         : 0.11.0
  Upstream Author :
* URL or Web page :
* License         : LGPL-3+
  Description     : Set of plugins for ufo-core

  The UFO data processing framework is a C library suited to build
 general purpose streams data processing on heterogeneous
 architectures such as CPUs, GPUs or clusters. It is extensively used
 at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology for Ultra-fast X-ray Imaging
 (radiography, tomography and laminography).
 This package contains `average', `backproject', `bin', `blur', `buffer',
 `calculate', `camera', `clip', `contrast', `crop', `denoise', `duplicate',
 `fftmult', `fft', `filter', `flatten', `flip', `forwardproject', `gemm',
 `ifft', `interpolate', `loop', `measure', `merge', `metaballs', `monitor',
 `null', `opencl', `ordfilt', `pad', `read', `reduce', `refeed', `replicate',
 `rescale', `ringwriter', `sleep', `slice', `stack', `stdin', `stdout',
 `subtract', `transpose', `write' and `zeropad' plugins.

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