On Tue, 22 Nov 2016, Emmanuel Bourg wrote:

> I see the package was initially checked into Subversion. Feel free to
> migrate it to Git if you want, we have a migration script available for

OK, the package is now moved there.

- To work on this package:
  git clone git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/pkg-java/squirrel-sql

- Read-only access:
  git clone https://anonscm.debian.org/git/pkg-java/squirrel-sql.git

- Browser access:

The package compiles under Debian sid/amd64 now and needs
- testing
- review (including legal)
- possibly, upload to experimental
- updating to later versions
- an actual maintainer

I’m not a Java™ expert, I just jumped in because I now actually
need this software for a course I’m attending at work (normally
I just use psql CLI), so I’m not likely going to maintain it.

This work was fully sponsored by my employer (see signature).

tarent solutions GmbH
Rochusstraße 2-4, D-53123 Bonn • http://www.tarent.de/
Tel: +49 228 54881-393 • Fax: +49 228 54881-235
HRB 5168 (AG Bonn) • USt-ID (VAT): DE122264941
Geschäftsführer: Dr. Stefan Barth, Kai Ebenrett, Boris Esser, Alexander Steeg

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