Hi Ximin,

On Thu, Dec 08, 2016 at 04:08:00PM +0000, Ximin Luo wrote:
> Andreas Tille:
> >     [javac]   first method:  notifyEnabled(CBK) in JmolCallbackListener
> >     [javac]   second method: notifyEnabled(EnumCallback) in 
> > MyJmolStatusListener
> >     [javac] Note: 
> > /build/biojava3-live-3.1.0+dfsg/biojava3-structure-gui/src/main/java/org/biojava/bio/structure/align/gui/jmol/JmolPanel.java
> >  uses or overrides a deprecated API.
> >     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
> >     [javac] Note: Some input files use unchecked or unsafe operations.
> >     [javac] Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
> >     [javac] 9 errors
> > 
> > /build/biojava3-live-3.1.0+dfsg/biojava3-structure-gui/build.xml:73: 
> > Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.
> > 
> This basically means that Jmol changed its API between version 12 and 14. I 
> don't think I messed up the packaging, the missing things like 
> org.jmol.constant.EnumCallback are not even in the current source code.

While I have no idea about BioJava itself I can confirm that BioJava3 is
in (very) low maintenance and has not seen any release for years - so
your explanation sounds quite probable.
> Someone will have to go through the changes and make biojava3-live work with 
> Jmol 14 again, this involves Java coding. What I normally do is grep the 
> source code to see if there's anything "similar" in the current source. Or 
> perhaps upstream has a patch, commit, or ticket lying around somewhere where 
> this is already done or half-done.
> To avoid problems like this in the future, it's recommended to only use 
> things that are clearly labeled as public API. The current version of Jmol 
> has a src/org/jmol/api/ directory, perhaps you can edit the currently-failing 
> code to use this instead.
> Or, if it is already an old/abandoned project (I notice that biojava4-live 
> exists too) I suggest to consider just removing it from Debian.

Yes, BioJava 4 exists and is packaged.  Olivier is working on the latest
upstream version - thus I did not tested Jmol with this since the
packaging is currently in flux.  I fully trust Olivier to decide whether
to remove BioJava3 from Debian or whether it is worth to find a solution
for the issue above.  I'd be personally in favour of getting a recent
Jmol and drop BioJava3.
> > BTW, if it helps I could migrate biojava3-live from SVN to Git if this
> > might be more convenient for interested people to directly change things
> > in VCS.
> > 
> That would help me if I had time to work on it, but probably not directly on 
> the code, for another few weeks. 

Olivier, if you confirm that it is worth keeping BioJava3 I'd volunteer to
do this.

Kind regards



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