On Thu, 09 Jul 2015 20:33:28 +0530 Vasudev Kamath <vasu...@copyninja.info> wrote:
> Hi,


> Sorry for updating the bug log this late, Since I was tied up with
> personal life and other work I couldn't update the bug log.
> This package is already done, and is at ¹ Since I had used CDBS for
> packaging I couldn't get a review from pkg-ime team member and after
> that I got busy with personal life and forgot about the package.
> So if any one wants to take up the packaging feel free to do so from
> pkg-ime repository. If you are unfamiliar with CDBS feel free to convert
> it to dh style. Also please drop me from uploaders field as I won't be
> able to do the maintenance of the package.
> ¹http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/pkg-ime/ibus-typing-booster.git/
> Best Regards

Are there anyplans in the ime team to update the packaging of ibus-typing-booster?

Apparently it allows to add some nice features in GNOME3 https://fedoramagazine.org/using-favorite-emoji-fedora-25/

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